Tuesday, July 04, 2023

I am a Bhakt and I am against UCC

 Yes. You read it right.

RSS might think that the UCC is a brilliant idea to unite Hindus.  The BJP might think it appears like a good stick to beat the Muslims and get Hindu votes.  I think both are shortsighted if not totally wrong.

First, let's look at the political angle.  If UCC becomes a law, Muslims would continue to ignore it like an average Indian ignores traffic laws.  The interesting part is, even for a traffic law violation, our Police would hesitate to act if the violator wears a skullcap and sports a beard.  So, as in traffic law violation, it would be the Hindus who would be punished if they violate UCC.  In other words, UCC could be the new tool of an aggressor to target only Hindus.

Coming to the social issue, we are so diverse that each community has evolved its customs and traditions over hundreds of years.  Some are social, and some could even be biological.  I qualify it as 'could be' as there is no documented scientific proof but observation over generations.  For example, the optimum age for marriage and pregnancy.  Social and biological factors play their roles in this factor and every community should have the room to decide on this.

The marriage age is already becoming an issue in impoverished regions of the country.  Poor girls in the age group of 16-18 are lured by love jihadists here and there, get converted and the Romeos are rarely touched by our laws.  And there is a need to protect denominational groups.  If they have the custom to marry off their daughters (not consummate) before 18, they have to face the heat from law enforcement agencies - of course only if they are Hindus.

Let's take an example of a community that has a genetic condition that increases the probability of infertility with age.  If that community observes it for a few decades and chooses to address it by lowering the marriage age, it is already considered a violation of the Child Marriage Act.  Unfortunately, we do not accept a traditional view if there is no "modern scientific study".  

Our laws are no match for community-derived wisdom.  UCC will reject all such wisdom and would be selectively used to target enemies. A few examples of such misuses are painstakingly documented by Deepika Narayan Bharadwaj and Shubham Sharma.

So, here is a word of caution to my fellow Bhakts - tread with caution.  Be careful what you wish for.

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