Tuesday, January 23, 2024

RJM - Now, Dharma can take on the Abrahamic Faiths

 “Rama was born in the Nakshatra Punarvasu - पुनर्वसु implies "the two restorers of goods".  Rama lost his kingdom and his wife.  His story is all about their restoration.” said the Upanyasaka. This time, He got his temple restored with the help of his Sainiks through righteous methods for this day and age.

As a Hindu, it was not easy to explain Hinduism as a religion or way of life to a Westerner.  An average Westerner could understand religion only through the prism of Abrahamic faiths.  It needs a God (Jehovah or Allah), a Prophet (Jesus, Mohammad), a holy book, and of course an organization (Church, Caliphate, and its offshoots).  The dilemma for a Hindu, especially a reasonably knowledgeable Hindu is - how can you summarize various philosophies, deities, practices, and the Hindu community into a simple template!

I guess this was the reason for the continuous spread of Abrahamic faiths into pagan communities.  (Let’s set aside the conversion by sword for the sake of this article.)  Even in impoverished, isolated Hindu communities that had lost touch with their deities, a simple message of a God through a preacher was sufficient to convert them to Christianity.  (Let’s set aside the conversion by coaxing with incentives.)  

I see the events of January 2024 as the restoration of a dharmic order to counter the Adharmic Abrahamic faiths.  If we can present a simple religion along the lines of Abrahamic faiths, the fight will be more or less on equal terms.  A nimble horse is to be countered with another nimble horse - not an army of elephants.

We have the God - Rama, the holy book - Ramayana.  We had many prophets and saints.  None was as successful as Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who built a reasonably successful organization and took Rama and Krishna to the Westerners and intellectual Hindus.  Swami and the saints before him used Bhakti.  Rama wasn't a saint, but a warrior.  We need more practical aspects of life to spread the message of Rama.  Rama’s honor, sacrifice, courage, justice, and duty are relevant to a practical man even today.

Then who would be the Prophet of Rama who can spread the message of honor, sacrifice, courage, justice, and duty?  Who else but Shri Narendra Modiji. With his dedicated service to the nation, he lives the life of a true Rama Bhakt.

For Mohammed and Jesus, the organizations were created a few decades after them.  But, Modiji grew with the Sangh Parivar.  BJP - the election fighting machine is the modern version of an army of new converts of Islam in 7th century Arabia. VHP and RSS form the religious, and social arms of the organization.

With the Prana Pratishtapana of Shri Ram Lallaa, Hindus have recorded their first success against Abrahamic forces. The simple messages of Rama can clear the ghettos filled with negativity, anger, and victimhood.  The day is not far off when the Sangh Parivar does a massive Ghar Wapsi.  It has everything that is required to achieve it. 

1 comment:

othisaivu said...

One relates to the central idea of the post, an optimistic one, yearning for the resurgence of Bharat & its ability to take-on the simplistic but rabid marauding cults.

Thanks for putting your thoughts down.

But, Ghar Wapasi?

Having moved a lot with the Momin from various economic strata, I realize that the entire faith of the momins is built ONLY on hating/decimating of the kuf'r.

That's the operational, single point ideological agenda - which helps the momin focus on the goal, so-called: reaching the jannath with its assorted perquisites. The process to reach it are ofcourse thru breeding like rabids (not merely rabbits), enforced illiteracy, encouraging violence against the 'other' & congregational brainwashing hatecraft.

In which case, wrt Momins at least, Ghar Wapasi process has to be 3 step process: 1) making the average abdul momin see Dharma is at least a peer to Islam instead of as a hate object and then 2) to make AM see the inadequacies & terrible fundamental fallacies of Islam and then, 3) enabling him to see the fact that Dharma is actually much better than Islam as a way of life, to start with.

But weaning this way will involve copious amounts of protracted bloodshed. Reason: About 20-30% of ANY given population of momins is radicalized heavily & the rest 65-75% susceptible to radical agitprop.

The momin folks (elite, educated) who can actually think - would be some 5% at best; an insignificant & effete minority. And there are no easy upgrade paths for an average momin to reach this 'thinker' level.

Sometimes, I think that CCP is dealing with Uighurs the way Jihadi Islam has to be dealt with - but mostly feel sad. (I had a uighur ham friend from Turkemenistan)

Having said all that, to summarize - dunno whether the fanatical allegiance towards Allah & Mohammed could meaningfully translate & TRANSFORM into any self-effacing Bhakthi mode, say even to Sri Rama. Am doubtful. But am willing to listen.

As for our X'ian 'brethren' it is not so bad. But still...

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