Friday, June 28, 2024

Governing a Community

Residents Welfare Associations (RWA) have become the de facto local governments in our cities. At the lowest level, the responsibility is for the upkeep of the common area.  As the properties get bigger, more responsibilities like Security, Lifts, Water Management, Genset get added.  That is, on a smaller scale RWA begins sharing the local government's responsibilities of safety, water and power supply.  Bigger RWAs have to deal with waste water treatment (Sewage), maintenance of streets, gardens and other facilities like a mini PWD.

It's the need of the hour.  In fact, leaving it to the RWA may ensure better service than what the government has to offer.  But how well equipped are the RWAs to deal with its level of governance? 

Reluctance to Take Responsibilities

Whether the residents are young or old, more so if they are young, do not want to take any responsibility towards common causes.  RWA responsibilities do consume one's time, is an unpaid and a thankless job. Some section of the residents do not take any responsibility but are ready to find fault with the functioning of the association.  The rest are like an average citizen in a democracy - does not care what happens and does not contribute to the functioning of the system.  Again like a democracy, this could be the majority.

Incompetent and Power Hungry

A minuscule section of the middle/upper-middle class wants to enjoy the designation and the power that comes with it.  By being a Secretary or any office bearer, they and their family members can boss over and send the hapless security person on errands.  It is a reality, that the people manning the security or doing the cleaning job respect the powerful.  One doesn't get respect if he doesn't throw his weight around.  Sad reality of modern societies.

Complexities RWAs face

  • Apartment complexes with swimming pools, tennis courts, gyms and other play areas add to the woes of the RWA.  There are safety hazards that they need to be aware of and comply with regulations. 
  • Dispute resolution between residents.  RWA office bearers are expected to be police (to see who violates the rules) and judge (penalize them without violating fundamental rights).
  • Associations have their usual finance related responsibilities.  But they also need to comply with the GST regime.  So, RWAs need to know the basics of accounting and tax.
  • There are obscure government agencies that issue license to lifts.  To get the license, the RWA must have AMC, got safety certificates and insurance for the lifts.  Larger apartment complexes may need certifications from the fire departments as well depending upon the facilities they have.
  • Annual audits and finance statements are to be submitted to the government.
  • In addition to these basic operations, there could be vendors who want to reach out to the residents as their potential customers - like banks, car dealers etc. They need to be entertained for they can contribute towards the financial welfare of the association.
In a nutshell, an RWA is expected to be managed like a business.  Depending upon the size of the property, it could be an SME or a real Enterprise.

Difference between an RWA, government and businesses

The executive of the government does not care much for the people's feedback.  It is the legislature that has to go to the people and get their mandate.  In an RWA, the office bearers are both the executives and the legislature.  A business needs to keep the customers and the employees satisfied.  If a customer can not be satisfied he can move on and the business can get new customers.  In an RWA, the members are stuck to the association and a separation is possible only when the members choose to sell their property.  For non-payment of water or property or electricity charges, respective departments can take penal actions.  RWAs do not have any rights for such actions.

Members do not understand democracy and cannot see reason due to various reasons.  (The office bearers also run the risk of these).  Unlike a business or a government agency, responsible office bearers of an RWA have to ensure smooth interaction with the members. Members would hijack meetings with their personal agenda, talk things are important to them but not to the entire community.   Like a vocal minority, they can derail any development with their non-cooperation.  The office bearers will have to listen to them and also ensure that the meeting proceeds to meet the objectives. 

The lack of understanding of democracy and systems is probably the bane of the world's largest democracy at the national level in the parliament and at the micro level in RWAs.

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